

Welcome to CANSEC 2024!  

On behalf of the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI), I’m pleased to welcome you to the 27th edition of the show.  

This year’s CANSEC comes on the heels of an important update to Canada’s defence policy, unveiled in early April. Our North, Strong and Free will serve not only as a guiding document for government and the Canadian Armed Forces, but also for the defence industrial base (DIB) as it works to help meet Canada’s rapidly evolving security needs. The language contained in the update is clear: a new type of relationship between government and industry is required if we are to reform defence procurement, properly equip our military, and fulfill our obligations to the international community. In an increasingly unstable world, a healthy and sustainable DIB – and sovereign capability in key areas like cyber defence – are no longer ‘nice to have.’ They are obligatory. 

The past 12 months have been ones of upheaval, conflict, and awakening. As the war in Ukraine rages on and stockpiles dwindle, NATO nations are moving quickly to spool up production with an eye to ongoing defence and future deterrence. Our tag line for this year’s CANSEC – “Move at the Speed of Life” – is a call for Canada to meet the urgency of this moment. To step forward with all the capability and agility we can bring to bear in support of our own domestic security, the defence of North America, the collective strength of NATO, and Ukraine’s victory.  

Our sector stands ready. Canada’s defence industry has grown significantly over the past decade, evolving in parallel with the new challenges and threats we face. Employment is up 34% since 2014, exports sales are up 28% and overall revenues have increased by 55%. CADSI recognizes that CANSEC is a yearly opportunity to show off that growth and expertise directly to the customer. As your hosts, we will continue striving to improve your experience during these two critical days. Please don‘t hesitate to provide us with feedback. 

I hope to meet as many of you as possible on the floor, at our meal events, and at our CANSEC evening reception.  

I wish you all a fantastic show! 

Christyn Cianfarani  

President & CEO  

CANSEC is Produced by CADSI
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